75131-8604011-20 75131-8604011-50 20G60K1900 20G-60-K1900 Baur 409776 2204.020.0029 65519240 0058203 A11V0145 A11V0190 A11V0260 A11vo Pump A11VLO40, A11VLO60, A11VLO75, A11VLO95, A11VLO130, A11VLO145, A11VLO190, A11VLO260 Pump Hydraulic Piston Pump For Travel Machine or model A11V040, A11V060, A11V075, A11V095, A11V0130, A11V0145, A11V0190, A11V0260 series pump.
5082688 5055819 5044302 90505540 89810240 5196971 5193795 5082689
653025040 5044300 5243899 5044301 5053772 5238025 63551440 5237524
5238024 5243900 5071151 5245760
high pressure swash plate piston pump apply for open circuit system, build-in centrifugal pump which can enhance 19% max rotation speed, mainly use for travel machine.
Driven by axial shaft, available to connect with gear pump or axial piston pump with same specification. The out flow is proportional to the drive speed and infinitely variable
1. Designed primarily for use in mobile applications.
2. The pump operates under self-priming conditions, with tank pressurization, or with an optional built-in charge pump (impeller).
3. A comprehensive range of control options is available matching any application requirement.
4. Power control option is externally adjustable, even when the pump is running.
5. The through drive is suitable for adding gear pumps and axial piston pumps up to the same, i.e. 100% through drive.